Fight For Your Relationship To The End (A Must Read) - Welcome To weedincome


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Tuesday, July 4, 2017


Fight For Your Relationship To The End (A Must Read)


Dear 9jaloversforum readers these has been the worsen situation of every young girls around. It is true that the goal of every good relationship is marriage,

that is the focus, that the main reason why we are trying so hard to fit into each other's lives, its  the long term plan, but hey, not all relationships are meant to end up there, no matter how good it is.

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This might be kinda hard for you to understand i know, but you have to learn to accept this truth Many times God plants people in our life to be our "HELP KEEP" for a season, that is, an HELP to KEEP us going strong through some challenging periods of our life, not for a lifetime. God plants us in the life of people to be the help they need.  Lovepastor has explore through different ways  how you can fight for your relationship.

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God uses us as an instrument to touch the life of people; to Love them, cherish them, take care of them, trust them, help them stand on their feet, andempty ourselves to them, all with the hope that in the end it's going to be one marriage leading relationship. Oh it's tough i know, i cannot downplay that. It's hard to build with a man in the hope of spending the rest of your life together only for him to go be with another woman who doesn't even know half his story. I know it's hard to sponsor a girl through school or business only for her to sit up one day, look you in the face and say she's too good for you.

 I know it's hard to go through the struggles of life together only for your parents to say "we don't like his tribe, we don't like her religion". I know it's hard to give a man your financial support only to see him with someone else when his goals are achieved. It hurts like crazy, i know, it cuts like hell to invest in someone and see your sacrifice wasted, and see someone else reaping what you worked so hard for. The time, the energy, the resource... And many times we regret ever doing what we did for them, you curse and hate yourself for being so dumb and foolish.

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Hey! Never feel depressed about being the reason why somebody is where they are and who they are
today. Don't regret any good relationship that never led to marriage. You were only an instrument God
used to bless them, you were a channel through which they could rise, you have played your part,
you have done your job, you're not the HELP MEET who you thought you were, you're not the one who is
meant to be with them for a lifetime, you're their HELP KEEP for a season, your job was to help
them get ready for someone else, so see it as a sacrifice, when the relationship ends move on, you
have fulfilled your role in their life, you have been the support God planned for you to be.

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And this is the best part; Our God is a fair judge, He will not allow you go through a season of planting twice, there's someone out there who is preparing your Eve to be a HELP MEET for you. There is someone out there who God has planted as a HELP to KEEP your Adam for you. So just chill, all the building you
have done will come back to you, alright?

You were happy with your partner, you could call and text each other all the time but now a small misunderstanding twisted  everything. They took what you said or did in the wrong way

and now they no longer care anymore. The word I LOVE YOU and
I MISS YOU sorry if you are being affected. away

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SORRY to your partner and mean it. Trust me if they really love you, they’ll thinktwice and they’ll forgive you. Never relax and let your relationship break just because of a small misunderstanding that can be worked out. Always fight for your relationship.

I Remained: Lovepastor
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