22 Things Every Boyfriend Should Not Do To There Girlfriends - Welcome To weedincome


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Thursday, May 25, 2017


22 Things Every Boyfriend Should Not Do To There Girlfriends

Things everyman/ boyfriends  should avoids in long run  relationships with each other if you sincerely wants to get married to her. Make her your wedded wife. Women out there have there personal pride. They deserved some respect from you.

LovePastor have enclosed these relevant information on these website to make each and everyone of you pronouncing girlfriend and boyfriend's for a successful relationship to take place. Not just answering the name of boyfriend and girlfriend #childish-attitude.

Here are things you should not do.

1. Don’t break her heart and the Trust she have for you.

2. Don’t pretend to love her. Be a real man. Real men Don’t pretend to love their women show her love when she needs it. Express your feelings to her.

3. Don’t tell her she is urgly Because you saw her ugliness before asking her out. Even saw her ugly pants when entering, if she is urgly, tell her she is the most Beautiful queen on earth. If she hard one eye blind tell her you deadly in love with the blind eye.

4. Don’t compare her to your ex or your new  woman Because you saw them before you proposed to her.

5. Don’t take her love for granted.

6. Don’t shout on her , most women Don’t like it. They love men that will pet or pamper them like a kid.

7. Don’t raise your hands to hit her, no matter her offences. You have to understand that they are weaker vessels and lesser containers. They just have mouth to talk.

8. Don’t cheat on her. Real men Don’t cheat on their women.

9. Don’t disrespect her.

10. Don’t waste her time if you know you Don’t want to marry her.

11. Give her some space and respect her boundaries. Allow her to free movement. Not supervision her movement.

12. Don’t make her feel unloved. And un-lonely always give her a call to known you she is not alone

13. Never fail to tell her that she is the most Beautiful queen on earth. Every morning and a good smile on your face when expressing it.

14. Don’t disgrace her in public . If she offend you, keep it until you get home. Always show her respect among populace don't disrespect her pride. If she wrongs you calm her down and talk sense into her head.

15. Don’t impregnate her before marriage and deny it. Remember bed undefiled. And women don't let any man scatter your your legs including your pants and let him go without no achievement.

16. Don’t expose her secrets to your friends and Family. Sharing your girlfriend information to others guys it look cheap to her also seems unloving her.

17. Don’t lie to her. Real men Don’t lie. Expose the truth to her always never lie so as to solve the immediate problem that arises.

18. Don’t correct her mistakes in public. Get home first and correct it.

19. Don’t treat her like your house maid. Good husband don't treat there wife's like maids.

20. Don’t make promises that you Can’t fulfill. These is genera sickness to Every man out there. You have nothing to show up. But you have make 2000,000 promises from your mouth.

21. Don’t kill her dreams. Help her to fulfill it. When you catenate your life with a talented persons help, support, provide her with all the necessary materials she all need to fulfill her dream. All thanks we be yours; the world we smile for you? The world we glorify you? The world we signal your smiles?

22. Don’t destroy her destiny . Make her to live a fulfilled life and achieve her dreams.
I Remained: LovePastor

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